Why Does My WiFi Keep Turning Off?

Continuous internet disruption can be frustrating, especially when you are working on an important project or you are in the middle of an online meeting. 

If your internet keeps disconnecting, there can be several reasons, like bad signals, network or hardware issues, outdated software, etc.

This uninvited hindrance to entertainment, work, or learning is always annoying and requires immediate solutions.

If your Wi-Fi ever plays this hide-and-seek game, then here’s a list of the most common reasons why your Wi-Fi keeps turning off.

Why Does My WiFi Keep Turning On and Off

Why Does My WiFi Keep Turning on and Off? 

There can be several reasons, but common culprits include weak Wi-Fi signals, congested networks, old routers, damaged cables, or interference from other devices.

Nonetheless, a seamless connection is everyone’s top demand, and therefore, such problems require quick solutions.

7 Reasons on Why Does My Wi-Fi Keep Disconnecting 

A faulty Wi-Fi can be a big trouble, so if you are experiencing similar problems, here are 7 top reasons why your Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting. Find out yours and fix an unreliable connection

Reason 1: Weak Signals

Weak Wi-Fi signals can result from obstructions, incorrect router positioning, or interference from other devices such as Bluetooth. 

You can overcome this issue by positioning the router at a central location, away from signal interruptions.

Reason 2: ISP Issues

Sometimes, the problem is not at your end but with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). This could be due to system outage or any maintenance delays. 

Such issues are mostly resolved on their own when the ISP’s maintenance activity is done. You can also contact your ISP’s support team to seek immediate help.

Reason 3: Congested Network

Another reason why your internet keeps disconnecting is a congested network. That means your internet usage is greater than what is being provided.

For instance, your internet plan is 25mbps yet your usage is up to 30mbps. This imbalance cause connection problems.

Too many users at a time can be the root of the problem as well. A 25mbps connection shared between many devices will decrease the speed for all.

For this, you have an easy solution to upgrade your internet plan or decrease your internet usage.

Congested Network

Reason 4: Software Glitches

Software or firmware issues in the router can also be a problem. Routers need to be updated frequently to improve the configuration settings and to keep the network secure.

Update your router to avoid any bugs or incorrect configuration settings.

Reason 5: DNS Problems

Domain Name System (DNS) allows internet devices to establish connections with different websites. DNS server issues can lead to connectivity issues.

To avoid these, reset your router’s DNS settings or simply restart the router.

Reason 6: Damaged Cables

Check if all your cables are correctly connected between the router and your device. If any cable or wire is damaged, replace it with a new one to ensure a good connection.

Damaged ethernet cables are the main cause of disrupted connections. So, make sure you have a properly functioning ethernet cable. 

Reason 7: Old Router

If you have been using the same router since your internet installation, there is a chance that the router has reached the last stage of its service life. 

Routers and modems have an average life of 2 to 3 years, and after, they cause fluctuations in the internet connection.

Also note that more and more wireless connected devices are getting into our homes, and creating a traffic congestion on an old router.

If your router is old, try replacing it with a new one by contacting your ISP. You can also buy a new router from the market.

How Do I Update My Wi Fi Driver

How Do I Update My Wi-Fi Driver? 

Sometimes, the problem isn’t the router or the ISP; it is your outdated Wi-Fi driver, which needs to be updated ASAP!

You can update the Wi-Fi driver simply by searching for ”device manager” in the search bar located on the taskbar. Open it, select ”network adapter,” then right-click on the wireless driver and update.

What To Do If The Internet Keeps Disconnecting After Trying All Solutions?

If your internet keeps disconnecting despite trying all the solutions, then that’s troublesome, and you need to contact your internet service provider to register a complaint. 

Moreover, you can also solve the issue by replacing your router altogether or by changing your ISP.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why is My Wi-Fi Randomly Turning Off?

When your Wi-Fi randomly turns off, it can be due to a variety of reasons, such as network overload, software glitch, weak signals, or ISP issues.
Moreover, it can be due to an outdated driver or an old router. So, make sure to update your devices regularly.

How Do I Fix My Wi-Fi That Keeps Cutting Out?

To permanently fix this issue, you need to identify the root cause and then address the issue specifically.
For instance, if your Wi-Fi cuts out due to weak signals, try changing the position of your router.

Why Does iPhone Wi-Fi Keep Turning Off?

Your iPhone may keep disconnecting from the Wi-Fi due to problems with the router or your phone. 
Try resetting your phone’s network settings, updating the router’s firmware, and checking for any hardware issues.

How Do I Stop My Wi-Fi From Turning Off Automatically?

To stop automatic Wi-Fi disconnecting, disable any power-saving modes on your device.
If the problem continues, check for software glitches, reset network settings, or try restarting your device.

Why Does My Wi-Fi Keep Disconnecting From My Phone?

Several reasons can cause this problem, including weak or poor signals, network overload, software issues, router malfunctions, poor internet, etc.

Why Does My Wi-Fi Keep Turning Off Samsung?

If your Wi-Fi keeps turning off on a Samsung device, make sure you have not enabled the power-saving mode or smart network switch that allows your device to choose the strongest network connection.
Apart from this, hardware problems, weak signals, or ISP issues might be the cause. 

Final Thoughts 

Nobody wants internet disruptions on busy days or even on holidays when you are enjoying a comedy series while sitting on the couch.

These Wi-Fi connection problems can be annoying, but you can definitely find out the cause by looking closely. Once the problem is identified, the solution is just a second away.

So, whenever you feel frustrated about your Wi-Fi’s poor performance, check out all the problems listed above, and you’ll surely find a quick solution.

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